7 Reasons to choose Veneers in Greeneville

choosing veneers

choosing veneersServing patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN

Porcelain dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment to hide imperfections in your teeth, creating a perfect smile. In Greeneville at Tusculum Dental Care, our dentists, Drs. Craig Shepherd and Nathaniel Renner love offering veneers as an option to patients looking to rejuvenate their smiles. We’d like to share seven reasons you should choose veneers in Greeneville and explore the many benefits this treatment offers.

  1. Veneers are beautiful

Veneers are handcrafted from impressions of your teeth, making them a customized treatment. A small portion of your natural tooth is removed to make room for the veneers, and then once complete, the veneers are permanently bonded to each tooth receiving treatment. The results are natural and beautiful. Veneers are the secret to the most beautiful smiles!

  1. Veneers are crafted to last for years

Dental porcelain is quite durable and can withstand usual biting and chewing. You should expect to get 10-20 years out of your veneers as long as you take good care of them and practice good oral hygiene. We recommend that you don’t use your teeth as scissors to open or tear things and avoid biting your fingernails or chewing on pens or pencils. Otherwise, you can eat a healthy diet, including biting into sandwiches, meat, and whole fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots.

  1. Veneers conceal gaps between your teeth without orthodontics

One of the most favorable benefits of veneers is that they can be made to cover or conceal slight gaps between your teeth without needing orthodontics. This means that if your two front teeth are gapped, veneers can fix that, and you won’t have to get braces or wait months or years to see your results.

  1. Veneers provide you with permanently whitened teeth

Many people desire bright white teeth, although maintaining that look can be inconvenient, having to undergo whitening treatments often. Additionally, some stains, like intrinsic stains from within a tooth, cannot be whitened. And tooth enamel can only be whitened to its natural shade, which means you may not reach the bright white look that you desire. However, dental veneers can help you achieve a bright white smile for years without the need for repeat teeth whitening treatments.

  1. It only takes a couple of weeks to get the results

Perhaps another popular reason to choose veneers is that it usually takes only a couple of weeks or so for the dental lab to fabricate your restorations. This means that you can have a completely new smile in about two weeks! So if you have an important event coming up, now is the time to plan your appointment for veneers.

  1. Veneers are easy to keep clean

Keeping your veneers clean is easy. They are attached to your teeth, so you simply brush twice a day and floss daily to remove buildup and bacteria that could cause gum disease or cavities. Remember, veneers don’t cover your entire tooth, only the front side, and biting surface. Part of the backsides of each tooth remains uncovered and therefore is subject to decay if you don’t take care of your teeth and gums. Our cosmetic dentists in Greeneville, Drs. Shepherd and Renner also recommend seeing the dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings. We can monitor any changes to your oral health and recommend treatment as necessary.

  1. Veneers hide almost any sort of tooth imperfection

Some people feel that they have an embarrassing smile. Their teeth may be crooked, twisted, uneven, badly stained, or anything but straight and perfect. Guess what? Veneers can cover those imperfections! Almost any cosmetic dental issue can be fixed with veneers, as long as your overall oral health is in good shape. What are you waiting for? Schedule your veneers appointment today to see if this treatment is the answer you need.

Veneers at Greeneville Dentist Office

Tusculum Dental Care offers veneers as part of our cosmetic dentistry services. If you would like to learn more about veneers or see if this treatment is right for you, please contact our office by calling (423) 639-7575 or click here to reach us online.