Questions to Ask your Dentist at your Next Visit

dental questions

dental questionsServing patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN

Your phone beeps with a new calendar notification, and there it is: you have a dental appointment coming soon. Regular dental visits are crucial to good oral health; a cleaning removes all the cavity-causing plaque and tartar from your teeth, while the examination helps your dentist maintain a consistent and updated record of your oral health. Your dentist is also the best person to ask about your oral hygiene habits, overall dental health and any possible dental procedures you might need. Your next check-up is a great opportunity to ask any questions. Not sure where to start? Here are four questions you should ask your dentist in Erwin at your next visit.

Is my oral hygiene routine adequate?

The American Dental Association recommends the following regimen of oral care: brushing twice a day, flossing at least once a day, eating a balanced diet to limit intake of sugary or acidic foods and maintaining regular bi-yearly dentist visits. The next time you visit your Greeneville dentist, ask if you are taking care of your teeth properly. Your dentist will be able to assess your effectiveness based on your current oral hygiene, and can make any recommendations for additional treatment.

Is there anything I can do to improve my smile?

Dental care goes beyond just cleaning teeth and filling cavities. At Tusculum Dental Care, we offer a variety of additional services, such as whitening, Invisalign, and more. While you are in our office, ask your dentist if they recommend any services to improve your oral health or the appearance of your smile. You might be surprised at their suggestions!

Am I at risk for any dental conditions?

Some patients may be at higher risk for certain oral ailments based on the state of their overall health or habits. For example, smokers have a higher likelihood of tooth decay, while pregnant women and diabetics can be of higher risk for gingivitis. Knowing what conditions you might be predisposed to, and what dental conditions you are at higher risk of, is beneficial. It means both you and your dentist will stay vigilant for warning signs of these problems.

When should I come in for my next appointment?

Most patients have a check-up every six months. However, some patients may need more frequent care: such as someone who has been diagnosed with or treated for gum disease. Some patients only visit once per year, because their oral health is strong and their hygiene routine is adequate. However, we strongly recommend keeping a regular schedule of twice-yearly visits. This way, it is easier for your dentist to identify any changes in your oral condition, which may be signs of an issue that requires treatment.

Accepting New Dental Patients in Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN

Our team at Tusculum Dental Care, is committed to helping each of our patients improve their oral health. We are more than happy to assist you in any dental area in which you may have questions or need assistance. If it’s been more than six months since your last trip to the dentist, now is a great time to get back on track. Visit us online or call us at (423) 639-7575 to book an appointment today at one of our two locations.