dental crownsErwin, Jonesborough and Greeneville, TN

A dental crown is a cap placed over a tooth for one of several reasons but primarily to protect a damaged or weak tooth. Crowns are most well-known for being used in root canals and to top dental implants and attach bridges.

The cost of a crown can vary based on the material used to make it, but generally, it is between $800 and $2,500 per tooth. With that kind of price tag, most of our patients understandably want to know how long they can expect their crowns to last.

Fortunately, crowns are durable and long-lasting, but their life expectancy depends on a few factors. Let’s look at those today with our family dentist in Erwin:


The duration of a crown depends on the material used to make it

Other factors

A crown’s lifespan not only depends on the material it is made of but also on how well it’s cared for. Here are five of the most common factors, besides material, that impact the lifespan of a crown:

  1. Oral hygiene

Crowns can’t get cavities; however, any exposed area of the affected tooth near the gumline can. Crowns must be cared for as if they’re natural teeth. That means brushing twice a day, flossing at least once daily and visiting our Jonesborough family dentist for regular checkups and cleanings every six months.

  1. Teeth grinding

Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding wears down natural teeth and can do the same to a dental crown. If you grind your teeth, be sure to tell our Greeneville cosmetic dentist before you get a crown so that we can custom-make a protective nightguard for you to wear during sleep.

  1. Bad dental habits

Crunching on ice, chewing on pens, biting nails or opening packages with teeth (using your teeth as tools) can cause damage to both natural teeth and crowns.

  1. Food choices

Hard foods like popcorn kernels and hard candies can spell disaster for a crown. Chewy foods like taffy and caramel can cause a crown to loosen from a tooth.

  1. Location

Where a crown is located in the mouth can impact its lifespan. The back teeth withstand more pressure because of chewing. This can shorten the life of a crown.

How will I know if my crown should be replaced?

If you have a crown and are experiencing pain or sensitivity in the tooth it covers, if you notice any damage to your crown or if it feels loose, be sure to reach out to our dentist in Erwin as soon as you notice it.

Dental crowns in Erwin, Jonesborough and Greeneville, Tennessee

Dental crowns are durable and can last a long time depending on what material they’re made of, where they’re located in the mouth and how well they’re cared for. If you have questions about crowns, or if you have one and you think it may need to be replaced, call Tusculum Dental Care, (423) 639-7575, or contact us online today.