5 Surprising facts about Invisalign

facts about invisalign

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN In the past, straightening your teeth meant orthodontic treatment that included traditional metal braces comprised of metal wires and brackets. Fortunately, since Invisalign’s clear aligner development in 1997, over 80,000 dentists and orthodontists received specialized training for the best treatment process, resulting in a 96% customer satisfaction rate. Additionally, patients prefer the …

Are your Chronic Headaches from Holiday Stress?

holiday stress

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Nothing can be worse than dealing with chronic headaches during the holiday season. Whether you’re stressed from visiting in-laws, running into your ex, or overwhelmed with your never-ending holiday to-do list, a chronic headache can disrupt daily activities. Our Greeneville dentists that treat chronic headaches at Tusculum Dental Care share on the …

Cost Considerations of Dental Implants and Bridges

cost consideration for dental implants

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Have you been living with tooth loss? Two popular options in restorative dentistry are dental implants or a dental bridge. Which is right for you? This is a decision you should make together with your dentist, but for many people, the deciding factor in which procedure to choose is cost. However, you …

Can Natural Remedies help TMJ Disorder?

natural tmj remedies

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Temporomandibular joint malfunctions can cause a myriad of symptoms that vary from one patient to another. Patients who experience TMJ disorder report pain ranging from slight to debilitating, preventing normal daily function. At Tusculum Dental Care, our caring Greeneville TMJ dentists don’t like to see anyone in agony. Therefore, today on the …

4 Reasons to Choose Metal-Free Dentistry

metal free dentistry

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Dental science has evolved by leaps and bounds in recent years. In the past, getting fillings and crowns to repair tooth decay meant using solid metal fillings or crowns. That was then, this is now, and today modern dentistry offers an exciting alternative to metallic restorations. By opting for metal-free restorations, you’ll …

5 Ways to get a Sparkling Smile for the Holidays

sparkling smile for holidays

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN The holidays mean gatherings with friends, family, or co-workers. You may run into old family members or friends that you haven’t seen in years, and it’s natural to want to look your best. Or maybe you want to make a great first impression while meeting company executives at your office holiday party. …

The Worse your Teeth are, the Higher your Risk of Heart Disease

heart disease and teeth

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Heart disease is responsible for approximately 25% of all deaths in America each year, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You probably know that certain factors influence your risk for heart disease: weight, diet, lifestyle, but you may not realize that your oral health also could raise …

Why Straightening your Teeth doesn’t have to be Scary

straightening teeth

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN If you’re like many other adults, your teeth aren’t perfect. They’re probably a little or maybe a lot crooked, overlapped or twisted. Orthodontics is the most common way to straighten teeth, although adults often shy away from getting braces because they are scared of how they will look or what people might …

6 Successful Tips to help you Stop Smoking

tips to stop smoking

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN It’s estimated that nearly 34.1 million Americans smoke cigarettes, although many of them want to quit. Unfortunately, kicking the habit and giving up cigarettes for good is not an easy feat because it is incredibly addictive. However, most smokers are aware of the many health dangers of smoking and may even have …

How to Deal with Invisalign Discomfort

invisalign discomfort

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Invisalign offers clear aligners to straighten crooked teeth. This discreet option is nearly completely undetectable when you smile, making it a great choice for teens or adults who want straighter teeth without all of the metal brackets and wires. Most patients that choose clear aligner orthodontics in Greeneville agree that Invisalign is …