5 Possible Reasons why your Breath Smells Bad

why breath may smell bad

why breath may smell badServing patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN

Chronic bad breath — clinically called halitosis — is embarrassing for anyone who suffers with it because it can lead to some pretty awkward situations. Halitoses is generally caused by an overpopulation of oral bacteria in the mouth, but it can have other causes, too. Let’s take a look today as our Erwin family dentist explores five possible causes of bad breath — and what we can do to help.

Cause 1: Dry mouth

Some people are mouth breathers, especially when they sleep. Dry mouth, or xerostomia, can cause several dental issues, including cavities, gum disease and bad breath. Saliva is our body’s natural antiseptic mouthwash. It washes away food particles in the mouth that attract bacteria and produce harmful, cavity-causing acids. When food particles aren’t rinsed or brushed from the teeth, oral bacteria will multiply on the food particles to break them down. These bacteria produce a foul-smelling odor that others around you can smell if you’re talking or breathing through your mouth.

Cause 2: Gum/Periodontal disease

Gum disease, also known as gingivitis in its early stages and periodontitis when it’s advanced, starts as bacteria that turns into a sticky, colorless plaque on the teeth. If the plaque isn’t brushed away by strong oral hygiene practices at home and regular visits to our family dentist in Greeneville, it turns into hardened tartar, which can be removed only by dental professionals. Toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque and tartar irritate and inflame the gums, leading to gingivitis. Left untreated, it turns into periodontitis, which can damage the gums and the bone supporting the teeth. Gum disease has been linked to heart disease and is also responsible for bad breath, due primarily to the same poor oral hygiene that led to the gum disease in the first place.

Cause 3: Food choices

Garlic and onions have a high content of sulfur compounds. When consumed, the sulfur compounds are released and absorbed into your bloodstream, eventually making their way to the lungs. As you breathe out, these sulfur compounds are expelled, resulting in a noticeable odor.

Cause 4: Tobacco use

Often called “smoker’s breath,” smoking is notorious for causing halitosis. The chemicals in tobacco products, including nicotine and tar, linger in the mouth, leading to a persistent and unpleasant odor. Additionally, smoking and chewing tobacco reduce saliva production, causing dry mouth, which worsens bad breath. Tobacco use also contributes to gum disease and tooth decay, two other sources of foul-smelling breath, and the heat from smoking can damage the tissues in the mouth, creating an environment where bacteria flourish.

Cause 5: Medical issues

Conditions such as sinus infections, respiratory infections and chronic bronchitis can cause mucus buildup in the nasal passages and throat, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive and produce odor. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can also lead to bad breath as stomach acids and undigested food particles can be regurgitated into the mouth, emitting an unpleasant smell. Systemic conditions like diabetes and liver or kidney disease can release specific chemicals into the bloodstream that are expelled through the breath. Some medications or autoimmune diseases also cause dry mouth, which leads to bad breath.

Bad breath treatment in Erwin, Jonesborough and Greeneville, Tennessee

The most important step you can take to combat bad breath is maintain strong oral hygiene practices at home — including brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily — and scheduling two appointments at our Jonesborough family dentist office each year. If you suffer from bad breath, consider adding a mouthwash or oral rinse to your oral hygiene routine. Don’t let bad breath stand in your way of enjoying social interactions or professional opportunities. We can help. Call Tusculum Dental Care, (423) 639-7575, or reach out to us online today.