Keep your Teeth and Gums Healthy as you Age

take care of teeth

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Your body changes as you age, which affects both your health and your appearance. This is why it is important to take proper care of your oral hygiene throughout all stages of life, so your smile stays healthy and beautiful for years to come. If you want to keep your teeth and …

Tips on Improving your Oral Health in the New Year

new year health

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN People set goals for the new year, such as reducing spending, improving their diets, or opening new businesses. An excellent item to add to your goal list is to improve your oral health. Maintaining excellent dental health is a worthwhile objective because it helps preserve your teeth as you age and reduce …

Don’t “FALL” for these 9 Oral Health Myths

oral myths

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN You can find an extensive amount of information online when seeking tips for proper oral health care. Unfortunately, not all sources provide truthful information, resulting in believing false or misleading oral care practices that could cause damage to your teeth and gums. Fortunately, our Greeneville family dentists at Tusculum Dental Care share …

Are Crooked Teeth a Big Deal?

crooked teeth

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Making a great first impression at a job interview or on a date guarantees a higher success rate for developing the relationship further. Studies show that a smile has a large impact on others’ perceptions of you. Therefore, when you have crooked teeth, you may struggle to find the work and relationship …

4 Ways to get Rid of Morning Breath

morning breath

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Waking up in the morning with stinky breath may be one of the most common things people dislike. The American Dental Association states that about 50% of adults have bad breath in the morning. Fortunately, bad morning breath is treatable. Therefore, our Greeneville family dentists at Tusculum Dental Care share on the …

What Bi-Annual Dental Cleanings mean for your Oral Health

biannual dental exam

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Regular dental checkups should occur every six months to minimize oral health damage. Unfortunately, many people skip their appointments for multiple reasons, from the cost of services to the lack of dental insurance. Additionally, busy daily schedules that include personal and professional obligations may sometimes take precedence. However, no matter how long …

When is a Gum Graft Necessary?

gum grafting

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Smiling with receding gums can make you feel self-conscious, especially during social gatherings. Furthermore, you may feel increased sensitivity because of your receding gums. Fortunately, a gum graft procedure can help restore your smile. Today on the blog, our Greeneville cosmetic dentists at Tusculum Dental Care share information about when a gum …

The Worse your Teeth are, the Higher your Risk of Heart Disease

heart disease and teeth

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN Heart disease is responsible for approximately 25% of all deaths in America each year, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You probably know that certain factors influence your risk for heart disease: weight, diet, lifestyle, but you may not realize that your oral health also could raise …

6 Successful Tips to help you Stop Smoking

tips to stop smoking

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN It’s estimated that nearly 34.1 million Americans smoke cigarettes, although many of them want to quit. Unfortunately, kicking the habit and giving up cigarettes for good is not an easy feat because it is incredibly addictive. However, most smokers are aware of the many health dangers of smoking and may even have …

What you don’t know could be Sabotaging your Oral Health

sabotaging oral health

Serving patients of Erwin, Jonesborough, and Greeneville TN It is estimated that nearly 37 million people have gum disease, an active bacterial infection of the gums. For most people, if their doctor were to tell them that they had an infection in their body, they’d take it pretty seriously. But for some reason, many people are unaware or ignore the …